
The value of mobile money transactions set a new monthly record.

The value of mobile money transactions set a new Ksh.392.2 billion all-time monthly record in June translating to an average Ksh.13.1 billion worth of transactions per day.
The record coincides with a recovery to both the value and number of transactions following dips recorded across April and May.
The number of transactions for instance topped 143.14 million in June from a low 125 million and 135.92 million deals in April and May respectively.

Black entrepreneurs vs Us investors on African Businesses

Stephen Gugu, a co-founder of ViKtoria Angel Business Network in Kenya, has followed the flow of capital into the so-called Silicon Savannah but noticed that foreigners sell their vision better. “In all honesty, the expatriate founders pitch better than we Kenyans do. They’re able to paint this picture of an Africa that is full of opportunity.”


US invests in Mozambique’s LNG

US invests in Mozambique’s LNG

Kimberly Reed of US Eximbank says “we have the capacity at any one time to support $135bn in transactions, and right now we are at about $50bn, so we have opportunity for growth and support”.

Reed goes on to point out that while the US Exim bank was closed, large LNG projects in Mozambique turned to Russian and Chinese financing; but when they re-opened, “they turned to us instead”.